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Online learning solutions for math and science

Yardstick offers remote learning products focused on math and science for grades K-12. We strive to inspire students in STEAM education with fun and innovative simulations and games.

Gizmos and Science4Us from Explore Learning

First time in India



Get hands-on with math and science.

Gizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. We’ve got over 400 Gizmos in our library covering topics and concepts in math and science for grades 3-12. Gizmos help students dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts with virtual labs. STEM Cases engage students with real-world problems and virtual guided inquiry activities.

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Gizmos support the latest educational standards and assessments.



Gizmos run on PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, iPads, and Android devices



From blended learning to whole group to 1:1, Gizmos work.


Looking for different grade level solutions?

Check out our other math and science products.

Science4Us  (K-2)

Science4Us covers Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science and Earth & Space Science with lessons specifically designed for K-2 students.


The sessions have 1000’s of online and offline activities that can be completed in as little as ten minutes, and teach students using videos, interaction, poems, songs, and digital notebooks.

Gizmos (3-12)

Gizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. We’ve got over 400 Gizmos in our library covering topics and concepts in math and science for grades 3-12. Gizmos help students dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts with virtual labs. STEM Cases engage students with real-world problems and virtual guided-inquiry activities. 

Explore with Gizmos

  • Cell Types 

  • Circulatory System

  • Comparing Climates 

  • Dichotomous Keys 

  • Digestive System 

  • Flower Pollination

  • Growing Plants

  • Germination

  • Homeostasis 

  • Inheritance

  • Measuring Trees  

  • Natural Selection 

  • Plants and Snails

  • Prairie Ecosystem/Forest Ecosystem 

  • Rabbit Population by Season 

  • Sense

Contact Demo

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Yardstick Innovations LLC
16192, Coastal Highway, Lewes
Delaware 19958 - USA
Phone: +1 (302) 520-3538


Yardstick TQM Ltd

69 Handsworth Wood Road, 

Birmingham, B20 2DH, UK

Ph: +44 1216865942


Yardstick Innovations LLC

Sharjah Media City

Sharjah, UAE

Ph: +971 56 5756 375


Yardstick Educational Initiatives Pvt Ltd

IDA Cherlapally, Phase II, Kapra,

Medchal, Hyderabad, India- 51.

Ph: +91 93474 10500


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